How to resolve $q.all? How to resolve $q.all? angularjs angularjs

How to resolve $q.all?

$q.all creates a promise that is automatically resolved when all of the promises you pass it are resolved or rejected when any of the promises are rejected.

If you pass it an array like you do then the function to handle a successful resolution will receive an array with each item being the resolution for the promise of the same index, e.g.:

  var resolveTopics = function() {    $q.all([getToken(), getUserId()])    .then(function(resolutions){      var token  = resolutions[0];      var userId = resolutions[1];    });  }

I personally think it is more readable to pass all an object so that you get an object in your handler where the values are the resolutions for the corresponding promise, e.g.:

  var resolveTopics = function() {    $q.all({token: getToken(), userId: getUserId()})    .then(function(resolutions){      var token  = resolutions.token;      var userId = resolutions.userId;    });  }