How to secure REST API for SPA and Mobile App using Cordova How to secure REST API for SPA and Mobile App using Cordova angularjs angularjs

How to secure REST API for SPA and Mobile App using Cordova

When thinking of designing javascript based cross-platform applications to run a mobile device, many of the caveats with designing regular web browser based applications do not necessarily apply.

As far as security is concerned, whether you decide to use JWT or simple OAuth tokens, ensure that all your communications are via https.

Please use localStorage as much as you want. If you consider the anatomy of a http request, all it really is sending some text based message divided into multiple sections to a server. The header of the request is no more secure than any other part of it including the cookies. So the points of interest from a security perspective are generation/validation/invalidation of the token, storage of the token on the device and the transport mechanism of the requests.

  1. Generation/Validation/Invalidation: Generate the tokens on your server. Use some technology/strategy to ensure that there is no possibility for collisions or bleeding. Also, ensure that your strategy will allow you invalidate a token on the server which then subsequently denies access to data requested from the server on further usage of the token. It is then up to you in your app to handle the users UI journey when the server denies access to resources.
  2. How you store the token on the device is constrained to what the device OS make makes available to you. Regarding whether using a native app is better than cross-platform, I think creating a native-cordova plugin to store your token using any specific native strategy if one is unsatisfied with the "out of the box" ones (such as local storage) is possible, although in my experience this is usually overkill. Happy to be corrected on this one if anyone has a different experience.

  3. Please use HTTPS ALWAYS without exception for ALL Webservice end point communications. Is HTTPS foolproof, NO, but you wouldn't build a house without a front door simply because dedicated burglars could learn to pick locks. This secures the transport mechanism considerably.

Usually, this is all native apps have to work with too anyway.