How to setup Grails and AngularJS partial templates How to setup Grails and AngularJS partial templates angularjs angularjs

How to setup Grails and AngularJS partial templates

I believe the issue is that the static resource is not descended from the default grails-app directory so you need to include the full path from the document root, e.g. templateUrl: '/partials/invoices-list.html',

Here is my set up for ui-router:

App.config([  '$stateProvider'  '$urlRouterProvider'  ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) ->    $urlRouterProvider.otherwise("/")    $stateProvider      .state('intro', {        url: "/",        templateUrl: '/templates/intro.html'      })

I serve my partials/views via standard ajax requests.

class ViewController {  def invoiceList() {    render(template: 'invoiceList')  }  ...}$routeProvider    .when('/invoices', {        templateUrl: contextPath + '/view/invoiceList',           controller: InvoiceListCtrl    })

contextPath is derived from ${request.contextPath} that I store in a global variable in my main gsp.

By default, all the files in the web-app folder are copied to a folder called static in the war. (You can change this behaviour. See the Grails Documentation).

In your example, you can check the partial files in following urls.


So, what you need to do is to figure out the path to this files. Something like this:

angular.module('myapp', []).  config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {  $routeProvider    .when('/invoices', {        templateUrl: '../static/js/partials/invoices-list.html',           controller: InvoiceListCtrl    })    .when('/invoices/:invoiceId', {        templateUrl: '../static/js/partials/invoice-details.html',         controller: InvoiceDetailCtrl}    )    .otherwise({redirectTo: '/dashboard'}, {        templateUrl: '../static/js/partials/dashboard.html',         controller: DashboardCtrl    });}]);

Its important to notice that the templateUrl path should not be related to JS file.

Another example:

grails-app    views        mydomain            index.gspweb-app    js        partials            mydomain-detail.html            mydomain-list.html        controllers            mydomain-controllers.js

The resources:

http://localhost:8080/myApp/mydomain/  http://localhost:8080/myApp/static/js/partials/mydomain-detail.html  http://localhost:8080/myApp/static/js/partials/mydomain-list.html  

The route configuration:

angular.module('myapp', []).  config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {  $routeProvider    .when('/list', {        templateUrl: '../static/js/partials/mydomain-detail.html',           controller: MyDomainListCtrl    })    .when('/show/:id', {        templateUrl: '../static/js/partials/mydomain-detail.html',         controller: MyDomainDetailCtrl}    )    .otherwise({         redirectTo: '/list'    });}]);