how to translate the html5 placeholders dynamically how to translate the html5 placeholders dynamically angularjs angularjs

how to translate the html5 placeholders dynamically

Did you try:

<input type="text" placeholder="{{ 'my.i18n.key' | translate }}" ng-model="myModel">

There is a directive in angular-translate to help with this.See this issue.

<input placeholder="Regular Placeholder" translate translate-attr-placeholder="text" translate-value-browser="{{app.browser}}">

Here is a preview of a working plunkr from that thread:

+ira 's solution works for me.

<input type ='text' placeholder = "{'USERNAME' | translate}">

where username is the key for the translation. So that translation JSON line might look like the following in Spanish

"USERNAME": "Nombre",

The two together puts Nombre as a placeholder inside the input box