Improve this AngularJS factory to use with Improve this AngularJS factory to use with angularjs angularjs

Improve this AngularJS factory to use with

Remove the socket listeners whenever the controller is destroyed. You will need to bind the $destroy event like this:

function MyCtrl($scope, socket) {    socket.on('message', function(data) {        ...    });    $scope.$on('$destroy', function (event) {        socket.removeAllListeners();        // or something like        // socket.removeListener(this);    });};

For more information check the angularjs documentation.

You might be able to handle this with a minimal amount of work by wrapping up a Scope and watching for $destroy to be broadcast, and when it is, only removing from the socket the listeners that were added in the context of that Scope. Be warned: what follows hasn't been tested--I'd treat it more like pseudocode than actual code. :)

// A ScopedSocket is an object that provides `on` and `emit` methods,// but keeps track of all listeners it registers on the socket.// A call to `removeAllListeners` will remove all listeners on the// socket that were created via this particular instance of ScopedSocket.var ScopedSocket = function(socket, $rootScope) {  this.socket = socket;  this.$rootScope = $rootScope;  this.listeners = [];};ScopedSocket.prototype.removeAllListeners = function() {  // Remove each of the stored listeners  for(var i = 0; i < this.listeners.length; i++) {    var details = this.listeners[i];    this.socket.removeListener(details.event, details.fn);  };};ScopedSocket.prototype.on = function(event, callback) {  var socket = this.socket;  var $rootScope = this.$rootScope;  var wrappedCallback = function() {    var args = arguments;    $rootScope.$apply(function() {      callback.apply(socket, args);    });  };  // Store the event name and callback so we can remove it later  this.listeners.push({event: event, fn: wrappedCallback});  socket.on(event, wrappedCallback);};ScopedSocket.prototype.emit = function(event, data, callback) {  var socket = this.socket;  var $rootScope = this.$rootScope;  socket.emit(event, data, function() {    var args = arguments;    $rootScope.$apply(function() {      if (callback) {        callback.apply(socket, args);      }    });  });};app.factory('Socket', function($rootScope) {  var socket = io.connect();  // When injected into controllers, etc., Socket is a function  // that takes a Scope and returns a ScopedSocket wrapping the  // global Socket.IO `socket` object. When the scope is destroyed,  // it will call `removeAllListeners` on that ScopedSocket.  return function(scope) {    var scopedSocket = new ScopedSocket(socket, $rootScope);    scope.$on('$destroy', function() {      scopedSocket.removeAllListeners();    });    return scopedSocket;  };});function MyController($scope, Socket) {  var socket = Socket($scope);  socket.on('message', function(data) {     ...  });};

I would add a comment to the accepted answer, but i can't. So, i'll write a reply.I had the same problem and the easiest and simplest answer i found is the one that you can find here, on another post, provided by michaeljoser.

I'll copy it below for convenience:

You have to add removeAllListeners to your factory (see below) and have the following code in each of your controllers:

$scope.$on('$destroy', function (event) {socket.removeAllListeners();});

Updated socket factory:

var socket = io.connect('url');    return {        on: function (eventName, callback) {            socket.on(eventName, function () {                var args = arguments;                $rootScope.$apply(function () {                    callback.apply(socket, args);                });            });        },        emit: function (eventName, data, callback) {            socket.emit(eventName, data, function () {                var args = arguments;                $rootScope.$apply(function () {                    if (callback) {                        callback.apply(socket, args);                    }                });            })        },      removeAllListeners: function (eventName, callback) {          socket.removeAllListeners(eventName, function() {              var args = arguments;              $rootScope.$apply(function () {                callback.apply(socket, args);              });          });       }    };});

It saved my day, i hope it will be useful to someone else!