In Angular 1.5, how to bind an attribute component as boolean? In Angular 1.5, how to bind an attribute component as boolean? angularjs angularjs

In Angular 1.5, how to bind an attribute component as boolean?

In angular 1.5 onwards you can use < & @ for one way binding. The main differnece between these two is < has ability to pass an object with its original data type to component.

isactive: '<'

Just use a one-way binding instead of a string binding:

angular.module('app')    .component('appMenuitem', {      transclude: false,      controller: menuitemController,      bindings: {        label: '@',          isactive: '<'      },      templateUrl: 'angular/components/simple/menuitem/menuitem.html'    });

< forces you to use true and false for your attribute values, which is not entirely HTML-like. For example, we often write:

<input type="text" disabled>

instead of

<input type="text" disabled="disabled">

To continue doing this with your AngularJS components, you can use a @ binding with parse-string-boolean (or similar) in $onChanges:

bindings: {  paramSomething: '@something'}


function $onChanges(changes) {  if (changes.paramSomething) {    switch (typeof this.paramSomething) {      case 'string': {        this.isSomething = parseBoolean(this.paramSomething, true);        break;      }      case 'undefined': {        this.isSomething = false;        break;      }    }  }


<my-component something></my-component>