Integration of AngularJS and Bridgeit.js (mobile web app) Integration of AngularJS and Bridgeit.js (mobile web app) angularjs angularjs

Integration of AngularJS and Bridgeit.js (mobile web app)

Try giving the function on the global scope a name and passing that to bridgeit.

Right now you are just assigning it to a property on the window called scan

Also make sure you do not have the function inside of any other functions or hidden from the global scope in some way.

Brigeit evaluates a string on the webpage in order to call your function.

// inside angular controller$scope.scan = funcction() {    bridgeit.scan('scan', 'globalScan');}// in global scopewindow.scan = function globalScan(event) {    alert(;}


One other thing that might help is to try creating your global function before you add the bridgeit script.

The key point though is that bridgeit handles the string you give it in an eval function and looks for it on the global scope.

After several tries, i found that the issue is with hashtags in URL.

Lets take an example using same code,

// inside angular controller$scope.scan = funcction() {    bridgeit.scan('scan', 'bridgeitCallback');}// in global scopewindow.bridgeitCallback = function(event) {    alert(;}

I have an url, like, and i have a scan field inside that page. So when i scan the barcode, it change the URL to, something like,

More clearly,{{some_uri_encode_characters}}/{{your_route,mine_is question}}/{{bridgeit_callback_method}}

Thus, it never able to have a successful POST callback.

I just enabled html5Mode in angular, with,


and everything works like a charm.

Hope it helps the future users as well.

Here is the code I am using in my own program:

function bridgeitCallback(result){    alert("result is: " +  JSON.stringify(result));}$(document).ready(function readyDoc(){    var scanButton = $('#scanButton');    scanButton[0].addEventListener('click', function () {        bridgeit.scan('scan', 'bridgeitCallback');    });});

This is working for me. I have just added it at the end of my main controller class outside of angular.

You should be able to take the section in the ready function and put it anywhere on the page.


Due to the way the web browsers work, your webpage will be refreshed when you return from the call to Bridgeit so you will need to figure out some way to store any information you need to keep.

Local storage would probably be the best option. The AmplifyJS library is a very simple way to do this.