Ionic: slow transitions in installed android app Ionic: slow transitions in installed android app angularjs angularjs

Ionic: slow transitions in installed android app

I faced with the same issue. It's worse in cases that you need to load a lot of information. In those occasion, I disable the transition effect by setting:


if you need to disable the transition from your controller, do the following:

app.controller('ctrl', function($scope,$state, $ionicViewSwitcher){ $scope.goBack = function(){    $ionicViewSwitcher.nextTransition('none');    $state.go('back');});

I found some solutions by which I face problem in ionic app transitiosn..

  1. After State Change I use this code..

//OnState Change..

$scope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {    $;   MyTeamListing();  })

which hit serve every time when i change state.. which is slow down the app.

i just Remove first line and my code is working fine...

I don't know it is a good or bad way but its working for me fine..

Transaction is become slow if too much data is load on transactionso that I use ionic events which load data after transaction done.

$scope.$on('$ionicView.afterEnter', function(){            console.log("afterEnter");             $;            loadRemoteData();            $ionicLoading.hide();});

Well, the perks of developing hybrid application is its code re-usability and faster development however, what advantage we get on development results in slow hybrid apps. We can make the application relatively faster if we follow following points:

  • absolutely remove the comments and unnecessary functions
  • minimize the white-space, make your functions as small as possible
  • use minified css and js
  • optimize the images, the fewer the images the faster the application
  • if possible, preload the images check here
  • keep the nonessential js file to the bottom of the page just before the end of body tag
  • remove the unnecessary pages, unnecessary scrolling and large pages.
  • limit the usage of input boxes; make use of radio buttons,checkboxes and comboboxes if possible.
  • don't use jquery library unless of utmost necessity, use javascript