ionic update-notifier-cordova.json' You don't have access to this file ionic update-notifier-cordova.json' You don't have access to this file angularjs angularjs

ionic update-notifier-cordova.json' You don't have access to this file

I just changed permission of the file update-notifier-cordova.json by below command:

sudo chmod -R 777 '/Users/anand.d.gupta/.config/configstore/update-notifier-cordova.json'

And this fixed the problem.

delete the file update-notifier-cordova.json from this location problem solved, it's nothing but just a config file

Deleting the file wont be a right option, the following approach worked out for me. The root cause of this issue is because of the Cordova-cli permissions.

Step 1: Uninstallcordova and install it again.

 sudo npm remove -g cordova 

Step 2: Install with the following command

sudo npm install -g --unsafe-perm=true cordova

Make sure it installs the recent version, by typing $ ionic info you can see the Cordova CLI versions

Step 3: Secure the permissions for the following folders

sudo chown -R <username> /Users/<username>/.config/configstore/sudo chown -R <username> /Users/<username>/.cordova/ionic build ios  - Should work like charm