Is it possible for a website to heat up a android Device and cause faster battery draining? [closed] Is it possible for a website to heat up a android Device and cause faster battery draining? [closed] angularjs angularjs

Is it possible for a website to heat up a android Device and cause faster battery draining? [closed]

Poorly coded JavaScript can cause the browser to use more resources and hence device heats up or the battery drains faster.

Things to look for: Network calls , Unnecessary event listeners (touch , scroll), Expensive animations etc.

How to solve:Try to remove some animations and event listeners which cause lag to the web-app , those might be the ones using the most of the resources. This way you need to filter our the culprit code and optimise it.

You can refer to this BBC article for a detailed report on this :

There are many factors, for example:

  • Animations causing multiple repaints
  • If you have many watchers, frequent updates will cause a lot of work to perform digest cycles
  • Maintaining TCP connection is also very costly, so if you query your backend server for live data it will hurt on mobile (another example is collecting analytics data like clicks and sending them immediately to the server)

Fixes for this cases would be to reduce number of watchers and perform updates less frequently on mobile. Updates like those from analytics should be send in batches.

There is no solution that would apply to every case, if you want to save your customer's battery you can profile your application, see what parts of code are expensive and decide if they are necessary to perform on mobile devices.

And one important thing - verify yourself that it is your application causing the drains, because it may be something different and you would be wasting your time trying to optimize something that works ok.

Long story short: yes, it is possible.When developing, you can pick two ways to handle calculations:

  • you can process them locally, on the server-side
  • you can process themremotely by pushing them to the client-side

The latter, mostly when poorly coded, can genereate high and constant CPU usage on the client-side, thus resulting in a hot device and quickly drained battery.