Is it possible to blackbox all VM scripts in chrome debugger? Is it possible to blackbox all VM scripts in chrome debugger? angularjs angularjs

Is it possible to blackbox all VM scripts in chrome debugger?

This doesn't appear to be possible in any version of Chrome at the moment. However, I create a Chromium bug to request it get added: Chromium Issue 526239

A development-time-only workaround can be to override eval in your page -

(function () {  var originalEval = eval;  eval =   function (script)   {    return originalEval(script + "\n//# sourceURL=blackbox-this.js");   } }());

And then blackbox ^.*blackbox-this.js$

Same for setInterval/setTimeout when it gets a string (but that is a bad practice anyway, right? ;))

Does that work for you?