Is it possible to upgrade angularjs atttribute directives to use in angular 4? Is it possible to upgrade angularjs atttribute directives to use in angular 4? angularjs angularjs

Is it possible to upgrade angularjs atttribute directives to use in angular 4?

A Attribute directive can totally have the Input property which can be passed to it from the tag where it's used : For ex:

<p highlightThis [highlightColor]="'orange'" [count]="5">Highlighted in orange</p>

Also make sure your appModule/SharedModule imports it.

So the problem i see is with the way you are defining your structural directive. A structural directive doesn't have any template structure attached to it. It applies to any html tag where it's used.

For you case, i see you are extending the directive with Component class which is not acceptable to a Attribute directive :--

MakeGreenDirective extends UpgradeComponent {

You should keep the Attribute Directive separate from any Component. For Ex:

  import { Directive, ElementRef, Injector, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from   '@angular/core';  @Directive({    selector: '[highlightThis]'   }) export class HighLightThisDirective { @Input() count: number; @Input() highlightColor: string; @Output() clicked: EventEmitter<number>; constructor(private elementRef: ElementRef, injector: Injector) {  } ngOnInit(): void {   this.decorateMyTag(); } private decorateMyTag(): void {   console.log("highlightColor", this.highlightColor); = this.highlightColor;  }}