Mixing Spring MVC with Angular.JS Mixing Spring MVC with Angular.JS angularjs angularjs

Mixing Spring MVC with Angular.JS

The directive ng-view of AngularJS is used to render a template associated to the current route into your html page.The main point is that your templates should be managed client side only.

What you try to do here is to render a template server side, using Spring MVC but this is not the idea of a single page application with AngularJS.

Instead, your spring mvc controllers should only return json object : you write RESTful services and use AngularJS to render your template and fetch your model.

Here is a complete example for your use case :

index.html :

<html ng-app="myApp"><head></head><body>    <!-- Your menu -->    <ul>        <li><a href="#/project/1/rev/1">Project 1 - Rev 1</a></li>        <li><a href="#/project/1/rev/2">Project 1 - Rev 2</a></li>    </ul>    <!-- Your content -->    <div ng-view>    </div></body></html>

Your template ("template/detail.html")

<div>Id of project : {{project.id}}</div>

Your angular application :

angular.module('myApp', []).    config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {        $routeProvider.            // Bind your route with your template and associated controller            // Your template will be loaded into ng-view area            when('/project/:projectId/rev/:revId', { templateUrl: 'template/detail.html', controller: MyController }).            // Default route            otherwise({redirectTo: '/'});    }]);function MyController($scope, $routeParams, $http) {    // Use $routeParams to get parameter from your current route    var projectId = $routeParams.projectId,        revId = $routeParams.revId;    // Here I use $http API from AngularJS but ng-resouce may be easier to use     // when you have to deal with rest resources    $http.get('project/' + projectId + 'rev/' + revId).success(function(data) {        $scope.project = data.project;        $scope.rev = data.rev;    });}

Your Spring MVC controller with your REST service :

@RequestMapping(value = "{id}/rev/{rid}/detail", method = RequestMethod.GET)@ResponseBodypublic Map<String, Object> detail(         @PathVariable("id") Project project,         @PathVariable("rid") Rev rev,         HttpSession session) {    User user = ((User) session.getAttribute(CSession.USER));    // I use a map for the example but you should probably use a "real" object    // The idea here is that you return a rest resource    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();    map.put("project", project);    map.put("rev", rev);    map.put("cont", revContBS.getRevCont(rev, user));    return map;}

Note that if you need a more complex router, you can have a look at AngularUI project.