Model does not update within ng-if Model does not update within ng-if angularjs angularjs

Model does not update within ng-if

ng-if has its own scope, so you need to use:

<br/><button ng-click="$ = true;">Show foo</button>

Updated fiddle:

Ah, ng-if creates a new scope! So, "there has to be a dot in the model name"!

As others have said, ng-if has its own scope.What i want to say, it's a bad practice to put expressions in the view. The good practice is to have a scope function that's called within the view.

var ctrl = function($scope){$ = false;$scope.fn = fn;function fn(){$ = true;}/////<div ng-app ng-controller="ctrl">  foo: {{foo}}  <div ng-if="foo" style="background-color: #f00;">    <p>foo</p>  </div>  <div ng-if="!foo">    <br/><button ng-click="fn()">Show foo</button>  </div>  <button ng-click="fn()">Show foo</button></div>