MVC5.1 with Web API 2 and AngularJS MVC5.1 with Web API 2 and AngularJS angularjs angularjs

MVC5.1 with Web API 2 and AngularJS

In MVC SPA like angular, you should separate models from views. I would suggest that your asp.mvc is where you serve your views (HTML) and your web api is where you serve your models (JSON) with CRUD operations.

Your mvc controller:

[HttpGet]public ActionResult Create(){    return View(); //this return Create.cshtml}

Your api controller:

public class PlanController : ApiController{    public ThingVM Get()    {        using (var context = new MyContext())        {            var model = new ThingVM();            return model;        }    }    public HttpResponseMessage Post(ThingVM model)    {        HttpResponseMessage response;        //It's better to write the modelstate validation as an attribute. See improvement suggestion below        if (ModelState.IsValid)        {            using (var context = new MyContext())            {                var thing = new Thing();                context.Thing.Add(thing);                context.SaveChanges();                response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created);                string uri = Url.Link("GetThingById", new {id = thing.Id});                response.Headers.Location = new Uri(uri);            }        }        else        {            response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);        }        return response;    }}

Your angular controller, here I use $http for quick demonstration. In real app, you could try angular resource to create a REST client

app.controller("planController", function ($scope, $http){    $scope.thingVM = $http.get("api/Plan"); //load view model as json from web api    $scope.saveThingVM = function(){"api/Plan",$scope.thingVM); //send a post request to web api to update     }});

Your Create.cshtml could be like this:

<form ng-submit="saveThingVM()" ng-controller="planController">   <input ng-model="thingVM.Name" type="text"></input>   <input type="submit">Save model</input></form>

Improvement suggestion:

Model validation is a cross-cutting concern, it's better to write the logic as an attribute to reuse the logic. Take a look at my another answer at How can I centralize modelstate validation in mvc using action filters?