Nested ng-repeat Nested ng-repeat angularjs angularjs

Nested ng-repeat

It's better to have a proper JSON format instead of directly using the one converted from XML.

[  {    "number": "2013-W45",    "days": [      {        "dow": "1",        "templateDay": "Monday",        "jobs": [          {            "name": "Wakeup",            "jobs": [              {                "name": "prepare breakfast",              }            ]          },          {            "name": "work 9-5",          }        ]      },      {        "dow": "2",        "templateDay": "Tuesday",        "jobs": [          {            "name": "Wakeup",            "jobs": [              {                "name": "prepare breakfast",              }            ]          }        ]      }    ]  }]

This will make things much easier and easy to loop through.

Now you can write the loop as -

<div ng-repeat="week in myData">   <div ng-repeat="day in week.days">      {{day.dow}} - {{day.templateDay}}      <b>Jobs:</b><br/>        <ul>         <li ng-repeat="job in">            {{}}          </li>       </ul>   </div></div>

If you have a big nested JSON object and using it across several screens, you might face performance issues in page loading. I always go for small individual JSON objects and query the related objects as lazy load only where they are required.

you can achieve it using ng-init

<td class="lectureClass" ng-repeat="s in sessions" ng-init='presenters=getPresenters('>      {{}}      <div class="presenterClass" ng-repeat="p in presenters">          {{}}      </div></td> 

The code on the controller side should look like below

$scope.getPresenters = function(id) {    return SessionPresenters.get({id: id});};

While the API factory is as follows:

angular.module('tryme3App').factory('SessionPresenters', function ($resource, DateUtils) {        return $resource('api/session.Presenters/:id', {}, {            'query': { method: 'GET', isArray: true},            'get': {                method: 'GET', isArray: true            },            'update': { method:'PUT' }        });    });

Create a dummy tag that is not going to rendered on the page but it will work as holder for ng-repeat:

<dummyTag ng-repeat="featureItem in item.features">{{featureItem.feature}}</br> </dummyTag>