ng-checked and ng-change radio button not work together - angularjs ng-checked and ng-change radio button not work together - angularjs angularjs angularjs

ng-checked and ng-change radio button not work together - angularjs

This is because you are not using ng-model:


<div class="radio" ng-repeat="radius in radii" id="selectradius-{{}}">  <label>    <input type="radio" name="radius"         ng-change="handleRadioClick(selectedRadius)"         ng-model="radius.checked">    {{}}  </label></div>


I'm sorry that I didn't notice that you wanted to have a default radio button checked, if that is the case then the approach you're taking is incorrect. You must consider the model as non-individual parts in a group of radio buttons but as a whole, they are supposed to be one value instead. You don't have to use ng-repeat's radio scope variable instead use another ng-model as the selectedRadius model. Your input radio needs to have a value, and in this case we'll use ng-value to determine the current value of the model.

UPDATED PLUNKER [2014 September]



  $scope.radii = [    {id:.25, name:"1/4 Mile"},    {id:.5, name:"1/2 Mile"},    {id:1, name:"1 Mile"},    {id:2, name:"2 Mile"},    {id:3, name:"3 Mile"},    {id:4, name:"4 Mile"},    {id:5, name:"5 Mile"}  ];  // selected value is {id:2, name:"2 Mile"}  $scope.selectedRadius = $scope.radii[3];


<div class="radio" ng-repeat="radius in radii" id="selectradius-{{}}">  <label>    <input type="radio" name="radius"         ng-change="handleRadioClick(radius)"         ng-model="selectedRadius"         ng-value="radius">    {{}}  </label></div>

UPDATED PLUNKER [2015 January]

dcz.switcher's problem below suggested that the solution above does not trigger the ng-change event handler when a radio button is reselected. The main problem was that the ng-model was referring to the ng-repeat's scope and not to the controller's scope from the second change. To solve this problem you can use the $parent property. An alternative would be to use controllerAs alias and use the alias itself to access your controller's property. To understand more about scopes in AngularJS, I suggest you read more about it in here.


<div class="radio" ng-repeat="radius in radii" id="selectradius-{{}}">  <label>    <input type="radio" name="radius"         ng-change="handleRadioClick($parent.selectedRadius)"         ng-model="$parent.selectedRadius"         ng-value="radius">    {{}}  </label></div>

Use default values and everything will work like a charm, no need to $watch scope or anything... and Yes you need ng-model

  • ng-model - does all work
  • ng-checked - makes sure you have CHECKED attribute present
  • ng-change - will trigger your function on-Change

HTML example:

<input type="checkbox"     ng-model=""    ng-checked=""    ng-true-value="1"    ng-false-value="0"    ng-change="update(row)"/><!-- test -->{{ }}

JS optional:

$scope.update = function(row) {    console.log('');}