ng-keypress not triggering function ng-keypress not triggering function angularjs angularjs

ng-keypress not triggering function

i tried the same things and its working

  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">    <input  ng-keypress="change($event)" type="text" >    <pre>{{name}}</pre>  </body>app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {  $ = 'World';  $scope.change=function($event){    $ 'hello';    };});

checkout this plunker... PLUNKER LINK

EDITcheckout your code plunker.. thats also working


finally the answer is: 1.0.7 does not support ng-keypress, hence it was not working..

sometimes ng-keypress do not work on some browsers !! i had the issue with the arrow keys in chrome try ng-keydown instead (it worked for me )

As everyone else says it's working as it is supposed to do. Perhaps you want something like this?

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);myApp.controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {  $scope.text = '';  $scope.change=function($event){    $scope.text += String.fromCharCode($event.keyCode);  };}]);