OrderBy Date values, which are just strings in Angular JS OrderBy Date values, which are just strings in Angular JS angularjs angularjs

OrderBy Date values, which are just strings in Angular JS

Because orderBy filter, you can use that. Your ng-repear would probably look similar to this:

ng-repeat="item in items | orderBy: orderByDate"

and then on your controller you would define the orderByDate function:

$scope.orderByDate = function(item) {    var parts = item.dateString.split('-');    var date = new Date(parseInt(parts[2],                         parseInt(parts[1]),                         parseInt(parts[0]));    return date;};

Implementation of the function is up to you. I choose to create Date from the string. The object you return from orderByDate function is then used to be order with using <, =, > operators.

EDIT: solution for :reverse

Since :reverse can't be used with a function passed as parameter, you can implement your custom function to return reversed value itself. In such case using Date is not possible, I would construct a number then and returned it with minus:

$scope.orderByDate = function(item) {    var parts = item.dateString.split('-');    var number = parseInt(parts[2] + parts[1] + parts[0]);    return -number;};

var now = Date.now();now = $filter('date')(now, 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm');

Then you can data filtering with corresponding formatted date