Otherwise on StateProvider Otherwise on StateProvider angularjs angularjs

Otherwise on StateProvider

You can't use only $stateProvider.

You need to inject $urlRouterProvider and create a code similar to:


The /otherwise url must be defined on a state as usual:

 $stateProvider    .state("otherwise", { url : '/otherwise'...})

See this link where ksperling explains

You can with $stateProvider using the catch all syntax ("*path"). You just need to add a state config at the bottom of your list like the following one:

$stateProvider.state("otherwise", {    url: "*path",    templateUrl: "views/error-not-found.html"});

All the options are explained in https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/URL-Routing#regex-parameters.

The nice thing of this option, as opposed to $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(...), is that you 're not forced to a location change.

You can also manually inject $state into the otherwise function, which you can then navigate to a non-url state. This has the benefit of the browser not changing the addressbar, which is helpful for handling going back to a previous page.

    $urlRouterProvider.otherwise(function ($injector, $location) {        var $state = $injector.get('$state');        $state.go('defaultLayout.error', {            title: "Page not found",            message: 'Could not find a state associated with url "'+$location.$$url+'"'        });    });