Passing Custom Headers to Ajax request on Select2 Passing Custom Headers to Ajax request on Select2 angularjs angularjs

Passing Custom Headers to Ajax request on Select2

This is how I fixed sending auth token. Just add this as Select2 ajax param;

transport: function(params){    params.beforeSend = function(request){        request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", 'OAuth ' + api_access_token);    };    return $.ajax(params);},

Taken from select2's demo page:

Select2 will pass any options in the ajax object to jQuery's $.ajax function, or the transport function you specify.

Using JQuery 2+, I was able to successfully set OAuth 2.0 and Content-Type headers.

ajax: {    headers: {        "Authorization" : "Bearer "+Cookies.get('accessToken'),        "Content-Type" : "application/json",    },}

another option:

ajax: {    url: '/api/Part',    params: { headers: { "Authorization": "XXX" } },    ...}