Passing data through open modal function Angular uibModal Passing data through open modal function Angular uibModal angularjs angularjs

Passing data through open modal function Angular uibModal

You are using ui-bootstrap

Bootstrap components written in pure AngularJS

To pass a variable to a modal's controller you need to use

resolve: {   A: function() {       return 'myVal'   }}

And then you can access that variable 'A' from the modal`s controller by injecting it

controller: ['A', function(A) {    // now we can add the value to the scope and use it as we please...    $scope.myVal = A;}]

Check out:


Members that will be resolved and passed to the controller as locals; it is equivalent of the resolve property in the router.

And group is just a member (it could be anything you choose)

Just add a property in resolve object unitNumber with a function returning unit_number value from it. So that you can get the unit_number value inside AddTenantModalCtrl by injecting unitNumber dependency in controller factory function.

resolve: {  group: function () {    return $;  },  unitNumber: function(){    return unit_number  }}

Note: Don't directly do unitNumber: unit_number, because when you have that, angular DI system will try to search the dependency with name unit_number(value) and It will try to evaluate it as function. Resultant you will get $injector error in console.