Programmatically set all form fields to ng-touched on form submission Programmatically set all form fields to ng-touched on form submission angularjs angularjs

Programmatically set all form fields to ng-touched on form submission

if ($scope.form.$invalid) {    angular.forEach($scope.form.$error, function (field) {        angular.forEach(field, function(errorField){            errorField.$setTouched();        })    });    alert("Form is invalid.");}


Try the recently added $submitted

<input type="text"      name="firstName"      id="firstName"      ng-model="editableUser.firstName"      class="form-control"      required>   <span class="help-block"     ng-show="form.firstName.$error.required && (form.firstName.$touched || form.$submitted">    First Name is required

Extending on Alexey's answer, you can add new method to FormController that will do the same, so there's no need to copy code from one submit function to another:

// config.jsexport default function config($provide) {    $provide.decorator('formDirective', $delegate => {        const fn = $delegate[0].controller.prototype        if (!('$setTouched' in fn)) fn.$setTouched = function() {            if (this.$invalid) {                Object.values(this.$error).forEach(controls => {                    controls.forEach(control => control.$setTouched())                })            }        }        return $delegate    })}
// controller.js$scope.submit = function () {    if ($scope.form.$invalid) {        $scope.form.$setTouched();        alert("Form is invalid.");    }};

In case someone wonders why would anyone want to do this kind of validation: iOS constraint validation is lacking, so ng-submit gets called even on invalid forms.