Protractor times out waiting for sync with page when using $resource Protractor times out waiting for sync with page when using $resource angularjs angularjs

Protractor times out waiting for sync with page when using $resource

This is a known issue, but there is a temporary workaround. Set ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true.

For example:

describe('Testing Protractor', function() {  var draftList;  var ptor;  beforeEach(function() {    ptor = protractor.getInstance();    ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;  });  it('should count the number of drafts', function() {    ptor.get('#/');    draftList = element.all(by.repeater('newsletter in drafts'));    expect(draftList.count()).toEqual(2);  });});

browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; worked out for me.

I'm using Protractor 3.3.0 and to get this to work in my test I had to defer the ignore synchronisation until after I had done the setup.

So in my beforeEach I call my action:

var searchBox = element(by.css('#inpt_search'));searchBox.sendKeys('test');

I then have to wait for the mock backend to populate the view (I'm not happy about these sleep calls so if anyone has a better way of doing this please comment, I can't get expectedConditions.presenceOf to work as it's part of the same bug) using browser.sleep(500).Then in the test I set browser.ignoreSynchronization = true which unblocks whatever is blocked and sees the browser content.

describe('standard search', function (){    beforeEach(function (){        openApp();        var searchBox = element(by.css('#inpt_search'));        searchBox.sendKeys('test');        browser.sleep(500);    });    it('should work or summat', function () {        browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;        var fileItems = element.all(by.repeater('item in list'));        expect(fileItems.count()).toEqual(50);    });});