Reliably determine if angular-ui modal is open or closed (shown or hidden) Reliably determine if angular-ui modal is open or closed (shown or hidden) angularjs angularjs

Reliably determine if angular-ui modal is open or closed (shown or hidden)

TLDR:Include module ui.bootstrap.modal in your app, inject factory $modalStack in your controller/service/whatever and then !!$modalStack.getTop() is enough to know whether a modal exists on not.

Detailed Solution: I was facing the same issue and I came up with the following work around :

There is a factory called $modalStack which is defined in ui-bootstrap lib which handles the modals. Same service also has a method called getTop() which returns the top most modal in dom. (And a method dismissAll() to close all the modals). So I wrote a small module with some small functions.

var utilsModule = angular.module('utilsModule', ['ui.bootstrap.modal']);utilsModule.factory('modalUtils', [  '$modalStack',  function ($modalStack) {    return {      modalsExist: function () {        return !!$modalStack.getTop();      },      closeAllModals: function () {        $modalStack.dismissAll();      }    };  }]);