Restangular: getList with object containing embedded array Restangular: getList with object containing embedded array angularjs angularjs

Restangular: getList with object containing embedded array

Yes, see the Restangular documentation. You can configure Restangular like so:

rc.setResponseExtractor(function(response, operation) {    if (operation === 'getList') {        var newResponse = response.body;        newResponse.paging = response.paging;        newResponse.error = response.error;        return newResponse;    }    return response;});

Edit: It seems Restangular's API is now changed, for the better, and that the current method to use is addResponseInterceptor. Some adjustments might be needed to the function passed.

I think you should use a the customGET from the Custom Methods

Restangular.all("url").customGET(""); // GET /url and handle the response as an Object

as Collin Allen suggested you can use addResponseInterceptor like this:

    app.config(function(RestangularProvider) {        // add a response intereceptor        RestangularProvider.addResponseInterceptor(function(data, operation, what, url, response, deferred) {          var extractedData;          // .. to look for getList operations          if (operation === "getList") {            // .. and handle the data and meta data            extractedData = data.body;            extractedData.error = data.error;            extractedData.paging = data.paging;          } else {            extractedData =;          }          return extractedData;        });});