Running code after an AngularJS animation has completed Running code after an AngularJS animation has completed angularjs angularjs

Running code after an AngularJS animation has completed

As @zeroflagL has suggested, a custom directive to replace ngShow is probably the way to go. You can use & to pass callbacks into the directive, which can be called after the animations have finished. For consistency, the animations are done by adding and removing the ng-hide class, which is the same method used by the usual ngShow directive:

app.directive('myShow', function($animate) {  return {    scope: {      'myShow': '=',      'afterShow': '&',      'afterHide': '&'    },    link: function(scope, element) {      scope.$watch('myShow', function(show, oldShow) {        if (show) {          $animate.removeClass(element, 'ng-hide', scope.afterShow);        }        if (!show) {          $animate.addClass(element, 'ng-hide', scope.afterHide);        }      });    }  }})

Example use of this listening to a scope variable show would be:

<div my-show="show" after-hide="afterHide()" after-show="afterShow()">...</div>

Because this is adding/removing the ng-hide class, the points about animating from the docs about ngShow are still valid, and you need to add display: block !important to the CSS.

You can see an example of this in action at this Plunker.

@michael-charemza answer worked great for me. If you are using Angular 1.3 they changed the promise a little. I got stuck on this for a little bit but here is the change that got it to work:

if (show) {  $animate.removeClass(element, 'ng-hide').then(scope.afterShow);}if (!show) {  $animate.addClass(element, 'ng-hide').then(scope.afterHide);}

Plunker: Code Example

@michal-charemza solution works great, but the directive creates an isolated scope, so in some cases it cannot be a direct replacement for the default ng-show directive.

I have modified it a bit, so that it does not create any new scopes and can be used interchangeably with the ng-show directive.

app.directive('myShow', function($animate) {  return {    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {      scope.$watch(attrs['myShow'], function(show, oldShow) {        if (show) {          $animate.removeClass(element, 'ng-hide').then(function(){            scope.$apply(attrs['myAfterShow']);          });        } else {          $animate.addClass(element, 'ng-hide').then(function(){            scope.$apply(attrs['myAfterHide']);          });        }      });    }  }})


<div my-show="show" my-after-hide="afterHide()" my-after-show="afterShow()">...</div>
