Send an uploaded image to the server and save it in the server Send an uploaded image to the server and save it in the server angularjs angularjs

Send an uploaded image to the server and save it in the server

Assuming in the backend you expect Multipart here is a piece of code that has worked for me.

And here is a jsfiddle.

var app = angular.module('myApp', [])app.controller('MyController',  function MyController($scope, $http) {    //the image    $scope.uploadme;    $scope.uploadImage = function() {      var fd = new FormData();      var imgBlob = dataURItoBlob($scope.uploadme);      fd.append('file', imgBlob);      $          'imageURL',          fd, {            transformRequest: angular.identity,            headers: {              'Content-Type': undefined            }          }        )        .success(function(response) {          console.log('success', response);        })        .error(function(response) {          console.log('error', response);        });    }    //you need this function to convert the dataURI    function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) {      var binary = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]);      var mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0];      var array = [];      for (var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) {        array.push(binary.charCodeAt(i));      }      return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], {        type: mimeString      });    }  });//your directiveapp.directive("fileread", [  function() {    return {      scope: {        fileread: "="      },      link: function(scope, element, attributes) {        element.bind("change", function(changeEvent) {          var reader = new FileReader();          reader.onload = function(loadEvent) {            scope.$apply(function() {              scope.fileread =;            });          }          reader.readAsDataURL([0]);        });      }    }  }]);
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="myApp">  <div ng-controller="MyController">    <input type="file" fileread="uploadme" />    <img src="{{uploadme}}" width="100" height="50" alt="Image preview...">    <br/>    <p>      Image dataURI:      <pre>{{uploadme}}</pre>    </p>    <br/>    <button ng-click="uploadImage()">upload image</button>  </div></div>