Send $http.get twice Send $http.get twice angularjs angularjs

Send $http.get twice

Since you are saying that when you are logged the problem occurs...this is because of the fact that since you are using angular-ui-router the two events are very important.

$stataChangeStart(...) , and $stateChangeSuccesss(...)

Please be informed that the resolve which you are using

.state('global.home', {            url: '/home',            templateUrl: '/htmls/home.html',            controller: 'MainCtrl',            resolve: {                postPromise: ['posts', function (posts) {                    return posts.getAll();                }]            }        })

is first resolved before the jump happens to the target url and then the view gets changed/updated.

One solutions is:

Please make sure that you have '&&' condition to be checked here as you are trying to login first and then get the data.

If you are using the angular ui router version 0.12 , please upgrade the version so that the issue resolves.Thanks.