SheetJS xlsx-cell styling SheetJS xlsx-cell styling angularjs angularjs

SheetJS xlsx-cell styling

Styling is only available in Pro Version of SheetJS. But I think you are using community version(free version). In Community version styling is not available.

You can check here official information:

We also offer a pro version with performance enhancements, additional features like styling, and dedicated support.

I used sheetjs-style (which is a fork of sheetjs) to add formatting to cells in excel file.

ws["A1"].s =        // set the style for target cell  font: {    name: '宋体',    sz: 24,    bold: true,    color: { rgb: "FFAA00" }  },};

It's very easy. However, you have to add style to each individual cell. It's not convenient to add style to a range of cells.

UPDATE: The official example use color "FFFFAA00". But I removed the first "FF" and it still works as before. The removed part is used for transparency (see COLOR_SPEC in Cell Styles), but somehow it has no effect when I change it or remove it.