Something in the cordova / angular / ionic stack steals my focus Something in the cordova / angular / ionic stack steals my focus angularjs angularjs

Something in the cordova / angular / ionic stack steals my focus

I used following directive for Cordova-Ionic:

app.directive('focusableInput', function($timeout,$log) {    return {        restrict: 'A',        require: 'ngModel',        scope: {            focusState: "=",            onGo: "&"        },        link: function(scope, element, attr, ngModel) {            var moveCursorToEnd = function(el) {                if (typeof el.selectionStart == "number") {                    el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = el.value.length;                } else if (typeof el.createTextRange != "undefined") {                    el.focus();//                    var range = el.createTextRange();//                    range.collapse(false);//          ;                }            }            scope.$watch("focusState", function(state) {                $log.debug("focusableInput - focus state change: " + state,element);                if (state) {                    //;                    $log.debug("focusableInput - do focus!!!",element);                    $timeout(function() {                        element[0].focus();                        moveCursorToEnd(element[0]);                    }, 300);                    //element[0].focus();                } else {                    element[0].blur();                }            });            element.on("keydown", function(event) {                console.log("pressed: " + event.which, event);                //$log.debug(attr);                if (event.which == 13) {                    $timeout(function() {                        scope.onGo();                    });                }            });            scope.$watch(                    function() {                        return ngModel.$modelValue;                    },                    function(newValue) {                        $log.debug("focus input model changed: ", newValue);                        if (newValue) {                            var endChar = newValue[newValue.length - 1];                            $log.debug("endChar",endChar);                            if (endChar == " " || endChar == ",") {                                $timeout(function() {                                    scope.addItem();                                });                            }                        }                    }            );        }    };});

And usage:

<input type="email" placeholder="Email"                class="login-custom-input"               focusable-input                focus-state="textAreaFocusState"               ng-model=""               ng-focus="onSignUpLoginEmailFocus()"               ng-blur="onSignUpLoginEmailFocusLost()"               >

focusable-input directive uses focus-state attribute

Hope it will help you.