The view is not updated in AngularJS The view is not updated in AngularJS angularjs angularjs

The view is not updated in AngularJS

You are missing $scope.$apply().

Whenever you touch anything from outside of the Angular world, you need to call $apply, to notify Angular. That might be from:

  • xhr callback (handled by $http service)
  • setTimeout callback (handled by $defer service)
  • DOM Event callback (handled by directives)

In your case, do something like this:

// inject $rootScope and do $apply on itangular.service('Channel', function($rootScope) {  // ...  return {    init: function(channelId, clientId) {      // ...      socket.onmessage = function(msg) {        $rootScope.$apply(function() {          that.publish(args[0], args[1]);        });      };    }  };});