To test a custom validation angularjs directive To test a custom validation angularjs directive angularjs angularjs

To test a custom validation angularjs directive

The other answer's tests should be written as:

describe('directives', function() {  var $scope, form;  beforeEach(module('exampleDirective'));  beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {    $scope = $rootScope;    var element = angular.element(      '<form name="form">' +      '<input ng-model="model.somenum" name="somenum" integer />' +      '</form>'    );    $scope.model = { somenum: null }    $compile(element)($scope);    form = $scope.form;  }));  describe('integer', function() {    it('should pass with integer', function() {      form.somenum.$setViewValue('3');      $scope.$digest();      expect($scope.model.somenum).toEqual('3');      expect(form.somenum.$valid).toBe(true);    });    it('should not pass with string', function() {      form.somenum.$setViewValue('a');      $scope.$digest();      expect($scope.model.somenum).toBeUndefined();      expect(form.somenum.$valid).toBe(false);    });  });});

Note that $scope.$digest() now is invoked after $setViewValue. This sets the form into “dirty” state, otherwise it would remain “pristine”, which probably is not what you want.

I figured it out by reading angular-app code video also helps too

Two mistakes that I made:

  • Do not bind directly to the scope when you are doing ng-model
  • Use form controller to directly manipulate what to pass for directives

Here is the updated version. The directive is the same, only the test that I changed.

describe('directives', function() {  var $scope, form;  beforeEach(module('exampleDirective'));  beforeEach(inject(function($compile, $rootScope) {    $scope = $rootScope;    var element = angular.element(      '<form name="form">' +        '<input ng-model="model.somenum" name="somenum" integer />' +      '</form>'    );    $scope.model = { somenum: null }    $compile(element)($scope);    $scope.$digest();    form = $scope.form;  }));  describe('integer', function() {    it('should pass with integer', function() {      form.somenum.$setViewValue('3');      expect($scope.model.somenum).toEqual('3');      expect(form.somenum.$valid).toBe(true);    });    it('should not pass with string', function() {      form.somenum.$setViewValue('a');      expect($scope.model.somenum).toBeUndefined();      expect(form.somenum.$valid).toBe(false);    });  });});

I test my custom directives searching in the object "$error" the name of the custom validation. Example:

  'use strict';describe('Directive: validadorCorreo', function () {  // load the directive's module  beforeEach(module('sistemaRegistroProCivilApp'));  var inputCorreo, formulario, elementoFormulario, scope, $compile;  beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, _$compile_) {    scope = $rootScope.$new();    $compile = _$compile_;    elementoFormulario = angular.element('<form name="formulario">' +       '<input type="text" name="correo" data-ng-model="correo" required data-validador-correo/>' +       '</form');    scope.correo = '';    elementoFormulario = $compile(elementoFormulario)(scope);    scope.$digest();    inputCorreo = elementoFormulario.find('input');    formulario = scope.formulario;    console.log(formulario.correo.$error);  }));  it('Deberia Validar si un correo ingresado en el input es correcto e incorrecto', inject(function ($compile) {    inputCorreo.val('').triggerHandler('input');    expect(formulario.correo.$; //Here, the name of the custom validation appears in the $error object.    console.log(formulario.correo.$error);    inputCorreo.val('').triggerHandler('input');    expect(formulario.correo.$;//Here, the name of the custom validation disappears in the $error object. Is Undefined    console.log(formulario.correo.$  }));});

I Hope i can help you!