TSLint configuration for Angular 1 project TSLint configuration for Angular 1 project angularjs angularjs

TSLint configuration for Angular 1 project

Will it be enough? What do you think?

Personally I don't switch it on till it becomes a problem. Fortunately I have the luxury of having my team mates respect and love so they know I mean well.

You can pick that one or just go with :

{  "extends": "tslint:recommended"}

To use palantir defaults: https://github.com/palantir/tslint/#configuration

I'm in a similar situation. I used tslint-microsoft-contrib as a baseline.

  "extends": "tslint-microsoft-contrib",

It definitely helps in all the ways you'd expect. However, some rules need to be reconfigured or turned off for AngularJs TypeScript code. I made the following configuration changes to function-name, member-ordering, no-import-side-effect, and no-unsafe-any:

"function-name": [  true,  {    // allow public methods to start with $ for $onChanges    // and other Angular lifecycle hooks    "method-regex": "^[a-z$][\\w\\d]+$",     // otherwise unchanged    "private-method-regex": "^[a-z][\\w\\d]+$",    "protected-method-regex": "^[a-z][\\w\\d]+$",    "static-method-regex": "^[A-Z_\\d]+$",    "function-regex": "^[a-z][\\w\\d]+$"  }],// Variant ordering that places public statics before constructor// So we can place AngularJs $inject just before the constructor"member-ordering": [  true,  {    "order": [      "public-instance-field",      "protected-instance-field",      "private-instance-field",      "public-static-field",      "protected-static-field",      "private-static-field",      "constructor",      "public-static-method",      "protected-static-method",      "private-static-method",      "public-instance-method",      "protected-instance-method",      "private-instance-method"    ]  }],// angular.module(...).component(...) is a side-effect"no-import-side-effect": false,// ng.IController, among others in @types/angular, uses "any"// and is flagged by this rule"no-unsafe-any": false,

Depending on how you define AngularJs components, you may not need to set no-import-side-effect to false. I've not seen any consensus on the best way to define AngularJs components in TypeScript, which is a shame given that this is listed as step 1 for migrating from AngularJs to Angular 2+.

Sadly, this is missing out on the possibility of custom tslint rules for AngularJs to match best practices. I'm toying with the idea of running eslint-plugin-angular on the generated code, or converting those rules to TypeScript. But the better solution may be to migrate to Angular 2+ and use codelyzer.