Unify the routing Urls for independent pages rendered inside an iframe Unify the routing Urls for independent pages rendered inside an iframe angularjs angularjs

Unify the routing Urls for independent pages rendered inside an iframe

ok I spent a little time for you to propose a working solution. However it presupposes a certain level of consistency and control over your angular applications.

Step one was to simple add a navigation with links to section of my sub angular applciation:

<nav>    <ul>        <li><a href="#/app1/main">App1</a></li>        <li><a href="#/app2/home">App2</a></li>    </ul></nav>

On the same parent page I also added an iframe as you require :)

<section>    <iframe src=""></iframe></section>

With the following scripts to handle the address changes in the parent window:

// Simple method to look for the second index of somethingString.prototype.secondIndexOf = function (val) {    var fst = this.indexOf(val);    var snd = this.indexOf(val, fst + 1)    return snd}// My goto method to basically go to somewhere in my angular appsfunction goto(app, route) {    $('iframe').attr('src', app + '/test.html#' + route)}// upon hash change of the parent page I will call my goto method if there is a hash$(window).on('hashchange', function () {    var hash = location.hash;    if (hash) {        var appName = hash.substring(hash.indexOf('app'), hash.indexOf('app') + 4);        var route = hash.substring(hash.secondIndexOf('/'));        goto(appName, route);    }});// On initial page load I also like to trigger this hash change to// go to the right location initially$(window).trigger('hashchange');

Obviously this seems to be a one way solution unless we also create backwards url modification from child angular applications back up to the parent window.

In order to achieve this I decided to push the hash changes back up to the parent window inside the $routeChangeStart event of each application:

so for example for an app1 it would be:

.run(["$rootScope", function ($rootScope) {    $rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, current) {    if (current.$$route){        window.parent.location.hash = "#/app1" + current.$$route.originalPath;    }});