Unit testing an asynchronous service in angularjs Unit testing an asynchronous service in angularjs angularjs angularjs

Unit testing an asynchronous service in angularjs

First of all, the setTimeout is particularly tricky to test since it hard to mock. Fortunately AngularJS has a wrapper around it ($timeout) that plays the same role but can be easily mocked:

  ls.DoIt = function() {    var deferred = $q.defer();    $timeout(function(){        deferred.resolve(5);    },3000);    return deferred.promise;  }

The mock provided for $timeout allows us to easily simulate elapsed time (with $timeout.flush()) which means our tests can run fast, without really waiting for the async event to complete (please note that the production code is still using async API!).

The changed tests would look like:

it("should equal 5",  inject(function(myservice, $timeout) {    var valueToVerify;    myservice.DoIt().then(function(returned) {      valueToVerify = returned;      });      $timeout.flush();            expect(valueToVerify).toEqual(5);}));

And finally the working jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/v9L9G/1/

It's not related to Angular itself, but to Jasmine async tests.

If you need a setTimeout use Angular $timeout. And if you wish to have a fine control over setTimeout/$timeout executions, use mocked Clock.