Using $compile on external template (templateURL) in Angular directive Using $compile on external template (templateURL) in Angular directive angularjs angularjs

Using $compile on external template (templateURL) in Angular directive

You can use the $templateRequest service to get the template. This is a convenience service that also caches the template in $templateCache, so that only a single request to template.html is made.

As an illustration (and without going into the issue of recursive directives), this is used like so:

link: function(scope, element){   $templateRequest("template.html").then(function(html){      var template = angular.element(html);      element.append(template);      $compile(template)(scope);   });};

plunker (check the network tab to see a single network request)

I prefer to use $http to load template if its size is bigger:-

$http.get('mytemp.html').then(function(response) {            element.html(;            $compile(element.contents())(scope);            });