What can be done to improve IE11 behaviour with Angular Material? What can be done to improve IE11 behaviour with Angular Material? angularjs angularjs

What can be done to improve IE11 behaviour with Angular Material?

We are also working on angular project and we are facing performance troubles with Internet Explorer 11.

I found this bug on github that helped me :https://github.com/angular/material/issues/1771

Solution:In the last version 0.11.1 they worked on layout display issues for Internet Explorer so I just updated to angular material to v0.11.1 and added this line to my angular config JavaScript file :

$provide.constant('$MD_THEME_CSS', '/**/');

The performance improved for Internet Explorer 11.

I found that wrapping all of my js in IIFEs and adding "use strict;" everywhere that's appropriate improved the performance of my Angular Material app considerably. It's still slower than Chrome on IE, but the performance is not acceptable.

Problem is with CSS.

Use clean-css NPM module to make IE compatible CSSrun below code in runkit.com and get IE optimize CSSFor More info see compatibility option of clean-css


var request = require("request")CleanCSS = require("clean-css-pre-2.1.0")var url = "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-material/1.1.1/angular-material.min.css"request({    url: url,}, function (error, response, body) {    if (!error && response.statusCode === 200) {        var source = body;        var minimized = new CleanCSS({compatibility : '*'}).minify(source);        console.log(minimized)    }})