What is the best way to pass functions between inner components in AngularJS 1.5? What is the best way to pass functions between inner components in AngularJS 1.5? angularjs angularjs

What is the best way to pass functions between inner components in AngularJS 1.5?

It is not necessary to provide a wrapper function in the controller of your sub-components. By using bindings a function is automatically attached to the controller, which you can call directly from your template.

The only wrinkle is that this function takes an object, which contains the locals that will be made available to the expression in the outer template.

In this case the data variable in the outer template needs to be provided explicitly when call the the doSomething(locals) method.

angular.module('app', []).component('app', {  controller: class AppController {    doSomething (data) {      console.log(data);    }  },  template: `    <sub-component do-something="$ctrl.doSomething(data)">    </sub-component>  `}).component('subComponent', {    bindings: {        doSomething: '&'    },    template: `        <inner-component do-something="$ctrl.doSomething({data: data})">        </inner-component>    `}).component('innerComponent', {    bindings: {        doSomething: '&'    },    template: `        <sub-inner-component do-something="$ctrl.doSomething({data: data})">        </sub-inner-component>    `}).component('subInnerComponent', {  bindings: {    doSomething: '&'  },  template: `      <button ng-click="$ctrl.doSomething({data: 123})">Do Something</button>  `});

Here is a working Plunker : http://plnkr.co/edit/QQF9jDGf6yiewCRs1EDu?p=preview