What is the difference between createspy and createspyobj What is the difference between createspy and createspyobj angularjs angularjs

What is the difference between createspy and createspyobj

jasmine.createSpy can be used when there is no function to spy on. It will track calls and arguments like a spyOn but there is no implementation.

jasmine.createSpyObj is used to create a mock that will spy on one or more methods. It returns an object that has a property for each string that is a spy.

If you want to create a mock you should use jasmine.createSpyObj. Check out the examples below.

From the Jasmine documentation http://jasmine.github.io/2.0/introduction.html...


describe("A spy, when created manually", function() {  var whatAmI;  beforeEach(function() {    whatAmI = jasmine.createSpy('whatAmI');    whatAmI("I", "am", "a", "spy");  });  it("is named, which helps in error reporting", function() {    expect(whatAmI.and.identity()).toEqual('whatAmI');  });  it("tracks that the spy was called", function() {    expect(whatAmI).toHaveBeenCalled();  });  it("tracks its number of calls", function() {    expect(whatAmI.calls.count()).toEqual(1);  });  it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() {    expect(whatAmI).toHaveBeenCalledWith("I", "am", "a", "spy");  });  it("allows access to the most recent call", function() {    expect(whatAmI.calls.mostRecent().args[0]).toEqual("I");  });});


describe("Multiple spies, when created manually", function() {  var tape;  beforeEach(function() {    tape = jasmine.createSpyObj('tape', ['play', 'pause', 'stop', 'rewind']);    tape.play();    tape.pause();    tape.rewind(0);  });  it("creates spies for each requested function", function() {    expect(tape.play).toBeDefined();    expect(tape.pause).toBeDefined();    expect(tape.stop).toBeDefined();    expect(tape.rewind).toBeDefined();  });  it("tracks that the spies were called", function() {    expect(tape.play).toHaveBeenCalled();    expect(tape.pause).toHaveBeenCalled();    expect(tape.rewind).toHaveBeenCalled();    expect(tape.stop).not.toHaveBeenCalled();  });  it("tracks all the arguments of its calls", function() {    expect(tape.rewind).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0);  });});