When using AngularJS's $timeout, what's the default delay? When using AngularJS's $timeout, what's the default delay? angularjs angularjs

When using AngularJS's $timeout, what's the default delay?

When $timeout delay is omitted, it defaults to 0. However, the block of code contained in it is executed after the DOM has been manipulated by Angular. See response to AngularJS $evalAsync vs $timeout

My understanding is that a delay of '0' means that it will be picked-up as part of the next run of the event loop. That's an especially short but indeterminate amount of time.

It's immediately executed, the default would be zero. Here is a jsfiddle showing it:http://jsfiddle.net/dgarlitt/rqs3p/1/

angular    .module('myApp',[])        .controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $timeout) {            $timeout(function() {                $scope.name = 'World';            });        });