Why is this simple AngularJS ng-show not working? Why is this simple AngularJS ng-show not working? angularjs angularjs

Why is this simple AngularJS ng-show not working?

You need to tell angular that you updated the var:

function TestCtrl($scope) {    $scope.loading = true;    setTimeout(function () {        $scope.$apply(function(){            $scope.loading = false;        });    }, 1000);}

or just

function TestCtrl($scope, $timeout) {    $scope.loading = true;    $timeout(function () {        $scope.loading = false;    }, 1000);}

A nicer way of doing this is by calling $scope.$digest(); to update your UI

You need to use $timeout and inject it in your controller:

function TestCtrl($scope, $timeout) {    $scope.loading = true;    $timeout(function () {        $scope.loading = false;    }, 1000);}

Fiddle demo

Edit:removed $scope.apply(); as @Salman suggested