Yeoman and Bower not adding Bootstrap CSS (AngularJS generator) Yeoman and Bower not adding Bootstrap CSS (AngularJS generator) angularjs angularjs

Yeoman and Bower not adding Bootstrap CSS (AngularJS generator)

After doing the codelab I had exactly the same problem with the same result as you are getting (warnings and all). I had to just work around the issue by rolling back to Bootstrap 3.3.4.

Just edit bower.json and change the Bootstrap line to:

    "bootstrap": "3.3.4",

Then run the following and it should work:

    bower install    grunt serve

It didn't work for me either. I got a solution from here:

We fixed this issue temporary by overriding our project bower.json. For us it works fine, but we are waiting for some solution from Bootstrap.

"overrides":{    "bootstrap" : {         "main": [            "less/bootstrap.less",            "dist/css/bootstrap.css",            "dist/js/bootstrap.js"          ]    }  }

If you stick to a shell, you can just type:

bower install --save bootstrap#3.3.4grunt serve

That will ensure that Twitter Bootstrap gets downgraded to a more Bower/yo-angular friendly version and save it as a dev dependency. Grunt will then run 'wiredep' during its 'serve' task and append the bootstrap.css in your project's index.html.