Yii 2: directory structure with AngularJS? Yii 2: directory structure with AngularJS? angularjs angularjs

Yii 2: directory structure with AngularJS?

I recommend you to split your backend (Yii 2) and frontend (AngularJS) in two separate folders. Dead flies and meatballs should be served separately. Yii 2 just provides the server API, while AngularJS does all other things.

project/  backend/        // Yii2 app    web/          // Public visible backend folder      index.php   // Entry point    config/    controllers/    models/    ...  frontend/    app/          // Your AngularJS application here      css/        // Styles (.less or .css)      img/        // Images      lib/        // Third-party libraries such as jQuery or AngularJS      js/         // .js files (controllers, services, etc.)      partials/   // Templates (.html)      index.html    tests/        // AngularJS tests    node_modules/    ...

The web server should be configured this way:

  • http://mycoolsite.com/api/* requests to project/backend/web/;
  • http://mycoolsite.com/* requests to project/frontend/app/.

If you use Apache as a web server, mod_alias can help you.

Note, that the folder structure inside the backend or frontend directory may vary.

  • For backend it depends on which template you prefer (basic or advanced). In my example I used the basic one.
  • For frontend it depends on your AngularJS application organization. In the example I used the AngularJS Tutorial App, but for huge applications it is better to use a modular structure.