403 error on Apache for a laravel project, after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 403 error on Apache for a laravel project, after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10 apache apache

403 error on Apache for a laravel project, after upgrade to Ubuntu 13.10

Apache2 may have also been upgraded to version 2.4, and there are a few things to note.

First, do you have Apache 2.4.x+ now? Check by running:

$ apache2 -v

If so, your vhost needs some adjustment:

First: +/- on Options:

Some Options parameters needs the +/- syntax. Read more here. This might be especially important when mixing +/- on some directives (read the previous link to see more).


Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews


Options +Indexes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews

Second: Allow/Deny

Apache now does access control via mod_authz_host


Order allow,denyAllow from all


Require all granted

Some more info here on upgrading from Apache 2.2 to 2.4.

I had the same problem, for some reason restarting Apache with Sudo made a difference. Are mods rewrite and mcrypt healthy?

I had a problem where in the routes file (web.php) I had two routes (the same link) but different controller action. The second action was empty that's why it was blank.

For example:

Route::get('/route', 'Controller@firstAction');Route::get('/route', 'Controller@secondAction');