Access virtual host from another machine over LAN Access virtual host from another machine over LAN apache apache

Access virtual host from another machine over LAN

In addition to danp's answer, you can access the virtual host without having to change the client machine's etc/hosts file by assigning a port to the virtual host. This is ideal if you want to access the server with a mobile or tablet device:

  1. Edit server's httpd.conf file at:


    Search for "Listen" (around line 61). You should see the following that allows for Apache to listen for port 80:

    Listen [::0]:80

    Add the following lines to add listening for port 81 (or any port):

    Listen [::0]:81
  2. Edit the httpd-vhosts.conf file at:


    Change your "Virtual Host" tag to port 81:

    <VirtualHost *:81>    DocumentRoot "D:/websites/project1/"    ServerName</VirtualHost>
  3. Restart Apache server.

  4. On the client machine/tablet/mobile, on the web browser, enter the server's IP address (, or whatever IP) followed by the port number in the following format:

In your virtualhost directive, change to *:80 and as Gabriel mentioned, add an entry to the hosts file in the other machine, adding your domain to be associated with the IP of your server.

When you put an explicit IP into the directive, apache will only listen on that IP - but the wildcard will tell it bind to all IPs available to it.

<VirtualHost *:80>    DocumentRoot "D:/websites/project1/"    ServerName</VirtualHost>

If your server is on for example, then in the other machines on your lan, the hosts entry will look like:

Restart apache and it should work fine.

As a note, when you are using virtualhosts, apache will use the first definition as a default for when it can't make a match between the domain passed in the HTTP request header and the sites setup in the config, which is why your default page was appearing.

You told apache to bind to all IPs with the NameVirtualHost *:80 directive, but then didn't setup a site for that external IP. Hope that helps!

There are two computer in local network.

A computer( Setup(D:\wamp\bin\apache\Apache2.2.11\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf):

<VirtualHost *:80>    DocumentRoot "D:/websites/project1/"    ServerName</VirtualHost><VirtualHost *:80>    DocumentRoot "D:/websites/project2/"    ServerName</VirtualHost>

B computer Setup(c:/windows/system32/drives/etc/hosts):    www.project1.com192.168.1.70

B access A,My project is working.