Adding an external server in Aptana Studio 3 Adding an external server in Aptana Studio 3 apache apache

Adding an external server in Aptana Studio 3

In Aptana Studio 3 you need to open Preferences, Aptana/ Web Servers node and add your local apache server there.If you set the document root correctly, your apache server will be used for previewing in Studio (See Preview button on toolbar).

Just add an alias in my apache config like

Alias /aptana "C:/Aptana/Aptana Studio 3 Workspace"

where I have MyApp project in Aptana,

Then in Run cnfiguration, Web Browser, My Apache Server,

Use base url = http://<domain><port>/aptana/

In my browser URL : http:///aptana/MyApp

That's all

I solved it by following method:

1.find the httpd.conf in {path to Apache}/conf/, set the "DocumentRoot" value as your Aptana workspace.

2.Run->Run Configurations.. choose a web browser, set the "Use base URL" value as http://localhost/{here is your project name}/