apache 2.4.6 reverseproxy mod_proxy_wstunnel for secure websocket wss:// fails apache 2.4.6 reverseproxy mod_proxy_wstunnel for secure websocket wss:// fails apache apache

apache 2.4.6 reverseproxy mod_proxy_wstunnel for secure websocket wss:// fails

This is a bug in mod_proxy_wstunnel. It will always send plaintext to the backend server regardless of the url scheme (ws:// or wss://).

The bug is reported here:https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=55320

The bugfix is rather simple (and provided in the bug report). So if you really need the wss:// backend communication, you might want to apply it yourself & rebuild the module.

in Apache-2.4_server.conf

ProxyPass "/ws/" "ws://"ProxyPass "/wss/" "wss://"...LoadModule   proxy_module            modules/mod_proxy.soLoadModule   proxy_wstunnel_module   modules/mod_proxy_wstunnel.so