Apache VirtualHost slow lookup Apache VirtualHost slow lookup apache apache

Apache VirtualHost slow lookup

Add your virtual hosts to the first line:       localhost test.local work.local yii.local

And remove the last line.

That should do the trick. Your vhosts are now an alias for localhost. It's not a good idea to have the same IP-address in multiple lines. This just confuses the DNS-cache.

For anyone who is using Chrome and still gets slow virtual host lookup, you need to change the virtual host name to something else than .local, eg. change test.local to test.dev.

Explanation and source here: http://bencrowder.net/blog/2012/10/slow-localhost-in-chrome/

What fixed it for me was editing httpd-vhosts.conf and changing all instances of:

<VirtualHost *:80>



It was taking about 2-5 seconds to resolve the host, now it is instant. I did not have to modify the order of my sites in my hosts file. This just makes it use ipv4 instead of ipv6 which I'd bet you don't use anyway.