Cannot resolve symbol 'IOUtils' Cannot resolve symbol 'IOUtils' apache apache

Cannot resolve symbol 'IOUtils'

For Android Studio:

  1. File -> Project Structure... -> Dependencies
  2. Click '+' in the upper right corner and select "Library dependency"
  3. In the search field type: "" and click Search
  4. Select "

Happy coding :)

Right clicking on the commons-io-2.4.jar file in project navigator and clicking 'Add to project' solved the issue.

For those who encountered this while working on a Netbeans Java project. What I did is I downloaded the Binaries Zip of IO here

Commons IO Util Jar Download Here

Then Right clicked on my Project>Properties>

On the Categories Pane, Click Libraries

Then Click Add Jar/Folder

Locate the jar file/folder of the extracted IO Util that was downloaded.

Then click Ok. That fixed mine. :)